Thursday, December 25, 2014

Six Tips to Surviving the Holiday’s on Ideal Protein + Holiday Recipe Guide

It's the Holiday's and for anybody currently on the Ideal Protein program or attempting to make healthier nutrition choices in general, this can be one of the most difficult times of the year.

Instead of looking forward to the Holiday celebrations and festivities, you're dreading the many temptations, confused looks and underhanded comments as you politely try to pass on all the delicious Holiday treats.

But don't be discouraged! You can still get through the Holidays while staying true to your nutritional goals and enjoying some delicious Holiday meals.

Six Tips to Get Through the Holiday’s on IP

Tip #1: Feeling the pressure to not offend friends when you go to a holiday function as a guest? Instead of sacrificing your diet to be polite, be open with your friends and family and explain your goals and what you are trying to do. Remember your family loves you, they will get over you not eating “their food” when you remind them you are trying to be healthier so you can be around for more family celebrations.

Tip #2: Tons of food is being gifted and shared at work, and they are all foods you are trying to avoid, what should you do? Make sure you do not skip meals, and if you can, eat at your desk, then that will save you from going to the room where all of the goodies are. Bring goodies you can eat and make enough to share.

Tip #3: When family traditions revolve around food. “It’s just not Christmas unless we eat…” Remember there is always next year, and that Christmas is not about the food it’s about family and giving.

Tip #4:  It is possible that the food you are regretting not eating today is the food that got you where you are now. Focus on a specific goal, “I want to be at 140 pounds by December 31st, and I need to lose 2 pounds a week to do that, I can only reach that if I give my diet 100%." Sometimes, the more specific the goal, the more likely you are to stick with it.

Tip #5: Prepare your meals ahead of time! If you know you're going to a party or family celebration, be sure to pack your own food so you won't be tempted to "make an exception" while trying to stick to your protocol.

Tip #6:  Surround yourself with supportive people! Let those close to you know that you are trying to take care of your health. Most of the time, the more people that know what you are trying to do, the more they can support and accommodate you.

Need some Ideal Protein Holiday recipe alternative ideas? Click the link to download our customized recipe guide.

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