#1: Let your body rest
If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it twice, be sure
to get a good night’s sleep! During the day, you are constantly being
stimulated mentally, physically and emotionally. If your body is under this
constant stress, eventually it will crash. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to recharge
your batteries and make sure your mind is sharp and you have energy for the
next day.
#2: Drink more water
Drinking water is a very simple change you can make to
your lifestyle that can bring a multitude of health benefits including more
energy, a stronger immune system, glowing skin, a faster metabolism and more! If
you are non-active and have a more sedentary lifestyle, try drinking at least 60 ounces of water per day. If
you are actively involved in some physical activity, try drinking 80-100 ounces of water per day, as you
lose a large amount of water through perspiration during exercise. Which brings
us to our next tip…
#3: Get active!
You don’t have to spend four hours in the gym every day
to get the full benefits of exercise, just getting your body moving and staying
active can literally add years to your life and greatly improve your health. If
time is an issue, try fitting exercise into your daily life just by making
little changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevators at work. During
your lunch break, go take a 40-minute walk outside, or if there is a gym nearby
and you’re feeling ambitious, do a quick 20-minute workout, and that will leave
you plenty of time for a shower and lunch.
Aim to fit in a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise, 3x per week, and watch your body slowly
begin to change and your energy levels increase.
The damaging effects of stress range from serious physical
symptoms such as high blood pressure and heart problems, to emotional and
mental problems such as depression and anxiety. At least 1x per day, take at least 15 minutes to do something non-work related, that relaxes you and makes you
happy. Try reading a book, taking a walk, or doing a 15-minute yoga video.
Paint, draw, play music—whatever it is that makes you happy, make it a regular
part of your daily routine, and you’ll find yourself feeling more relaxed,
happy and alive.
Instead of following the typical American tradition of
waiting until you are sick and on your deathbed, or until your migraines, body
aches and stress levels have you on the verge of hospitalization, try adopting
a preventive health care lifestyle.
Adopting a preventive health care lifestyle can mean many
things. It can mean eating a healthier diet, regular exercise, but a crucial
aspect of preventive health care is getting regular chiropractic adjustments
and massages.
Chiropractic adjustments have many incredible health
benefits. Besides providing relief from numerous health issues such as back and
neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraines and arthritis, chiropractic care
also improves the body’s ability to heal itself, your immune system function to
help prevent illness, and increases your body’s mobility and range of motion.
Massage is the perfect complement to chiropractic care
for a preventive health care lifestyle. Regular massages can offer you not only
much needed relaxation and an opportunity to unwind, but also helps to boost
your immune system, improves symptoms of depression through the release of
endorphins, and relieves migraine pain and so much more.
These two together are those extra bonus health points
that will help you take your health and wellness to the next level.
While it’s great to do things that make us happy as a
part of our daily routine, it is important to also switch up your environment.
Even though you may have a day off from work, just being in your regular home
environment can cause you stress and anxiety because you’ll just be thinking of
all the things you should/could be doing. Every now and then, plan a quick getaway to a location of your
choice. Your getaway doesn’t have to be a grand vacation costing you tons
money, but it can simply be a drive on the countryside, or a quick day trip to
the beach. Whatever your choice of getaway, get out, go explore and rejuvenate
yourself with a new adventure.
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