Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How to Finally Complete Your New Year’s Resolutions

2015 is just around the corner and you know what that means...time to pull out your New Year’s resolutions lists from the last five years, and write them all down for your 2015 list. If you’re one of the many who are gathering forgotten lists from New Year’s Eve’s past, don’t be discouraged, you are not alone and 2015 can finally be the year that everything changes.

How to Finally Complete Your New Year’s Resolutions

Step 1
Set realistic goals.
We would all love to stop world hunger, and end war in the Middle East, but as good as our intentions are, we have to be at least a little bit realistic. If one of your goals was to work out every day, 6 days a week for one hour, and you haven’t stepped foot in a gym for almost a year, you most likely will be setting yourself up for failure, potentially losing motivation all together.
Try starting off with something a little less drastic like, “I want to work out at least twice a week for a minimum of 20 minutes.” This will allow you time to adjust and develop a comfortable pattern, and keep you motivated as it is a more attainable goal. Dream big, but remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Step 2
Take baby steps and build.
Following the realistic goal setting step, to guarantee a higher success rate in accomplishing your goals, for every big goal, make small milestone goals. For example, if your goal is to save up $5000 by the end of the year, make a baby step goal of putting away $208 per bi-weekly paycheck, for three months. By being specific and making your goals in small baby steps, you can feel a sense of accomplishment each time you reach a milestone and have motivation to continue on.
So remember, for every big goal, make 1-3 small milestone goals to help you stay on track to complete your goals by the end of the year.

Step 3 
Set Deadlines. Sometimes with the start of a new year, that can make us think that we have ALL year to complete our resolutions. Put yourself on a time clock that way you don’t become lazy by thinking, “oh, I have all year.” Whether it’s a birthday, graduation or anniversary, set dates to complete your goals by, and follow the “milestone method” to help you stay on track.

Step 4
Get an accountability partner. Use the buddy system! By telling a friend, or even your Facebook or YouTube fans about your New Year’s resolution goals, this can help you feel more accountability and pressure to keep your word. Even blogging your progress throughout the year can help you stay focused and motivated to complete your tasks.

Whatever your method, spread the word about the goals you are trying to accomplish, so you can not only feel accountability to complete them, but your family, friends and fans alike can help support you on your journey. Who knows, they may even want to join you!
Step 5
Don’t be so hard on yourself. The great thing about following the baby step/milestone method is that if you don’t reach your first milestone, it’s only been a few weeks or months, and you still have time to reach your goals. Don’t beat yourself up! Instead, simply readjust your goals. If your goal was to lose 50 pounds by June, and you only lost 5 pounds in January, either plan to try and lose 15 pounds in February, or change your main goal from 50 pounds to 35 pounds. It’s okay to change your plans! It’s better to continue to try and lose the weight, instead of becoming discouraged and giving up all together.

Step 6
Reward yourself. Besides not beating yourself up when you don’t reach a milestone, remember to reward yourself when you do! For every small milestone you complete, be sure to do something special for yourself. If you reach your first milestone weight loss goal, reward yourself with new gym shoes, or if your goal was to read five books in one month, reward yourself with a shopping spree at Barnes & Noble.
Whatever it is that makes you happy, treat yourself and besides your sense of accomplishment, you’ll feel even more motivated to continue so you can get your next reward!

Step 7
Enjoy the ride! Finally, fulfilling your New Year’s resolution goals does not have to be some stressful event causing you sleepless nights all year. Make it fun! It is always exciting to try something new, or change something in your life. Get caught up in the excitement, workout with a friend, start a blog to record your journey, or share funny videos of your progress on YouTube. Whichever you choose, enjoy the ride to self-improvement and to finally reaching your goals.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Staying Healthy During Flu Season

Winter is in full swing and many have fallen prey to some of the nasty viruses that have been going around. But just because it seems like everyone around you is getting sick, does not automatically mean YOU will get sick.

Even if you already have encountered some type of winter cold, it is entirely likely that your immune system has become stronger by being confronted with it. 

Have you been taking care of yourself?
Here at Bothell Chiropractic & Wellness, we don’t get sick very often due to our commitment to making healthy lifestyle choices and our dedication to our immune system boosting, chiropractic care plans. But sometimes, even we can get distracted and caught up in the stresses of life and forget to take care of ourselves. When a few of our very own employees got sick, we had to take a step back and ask ourselves, have we been taking care of ourselves lately? Have we been getting enough rest? Drinking enough water? Getting adjusted regularly? Where was this illness coming from?

Why are we getting sick?

Germs are not the primary source for illnesses as many of us know. Plenty of people deal with sick children, spouses and co-workers on a regular basis, and they, themselves do not become ill, so what is it then? Sicknesses can come in many different shapes and forms, and from many different sources, and if your immune system isn’t working at 100% due to the fact that you are not taking care of yourself, it can be vulnerable to any one of these potential illnesses. But one of the worst things for your immune system is STRESS.

According to WebMD, “Stress that continues without relief can lead to a condition called distress -- a negative stress reaction. Distress can lead to physical symptoms including headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, and problems sleeping. Research suggests that stress also can bring on or worsen certain symptoms or diseases.” (WebMD, The Effects of Stress on Your Body)

All these symptoms of stress can cause your immune system to go down and therefore lead to illness. So if you feel yourself starting to come down with a cold, stop and take a minute to review your daily habits and make sure you’re making your health a priority and are taking time to relax and de-stress.

A few tips for staying healthy
  1. Get plenty of rest. Your body needs to recharge to stay healthy, so try to get a good 7-8 hours of sleep. 
  2.  Drink plenty of water. To keep your body free of nasty toxins that could potentially bring down your immune system, try to drink at least 60 ounces of water a day. 
  3. Get adjusted! Regular adjustments can boost your immune system and help prevent illness.
  4. Eat real food! Your diet can affect so many things, and your nutrition gives your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and fight off illnesses. 
  5. Take time to relax! Whether it’s a massage or taking a nap, don’t let stress get the best of you. Make sure you take time out for you.
  6. Get the “flu-shot.” Try our all natural version of the “flu-shot” which includes vitamin D drops, fish oil and probiotics. (Ask our Result Coordinators how you can get the “flu-shot”trio package at your next visit).
Don’t think that illness is inevitable. There is a lot you can do to stay healthy. Trust your immune system and give it the boost that it needs to fight off the bugs. 


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Six Tips to Surviving the Holiday’s on Ideal Protein + Holiday Recipe Guide

It's the Holiday's and for anybody currently on the Ideal Protein program or attempting to make healthier nutrition choices in general, this can be one of the most difficult times of the year.

Instead of looking forward to the Holiday celebrations and festivities, you're dreading the many temptations, confused looks and underhanded comments as you politely try to pass on all the delicious Holiday treats.

But don't be discouraged! You can still get through the Holidays while staying true to your nutritional goals and enjoying some delicious Holiday meals.

Six Tips to Get Through the Holiday’s on IP

Tip #1: Feeling the pressure to not offend friends when you go to a holiday function as a guest? Instead of sacrificing your diet to be polite, be open with your friends and family and explain your goals and what you are trying to do. Remember your family loves you, they will get over you not eating “their food” when you remind them you are trying to be healthier so you can be around for more family celebrations.

Tip #2: Tons of food is being gifted and shared at work, and they are all foods you are trying to avoid, what should you do? Make sure you do not skip meals, and if you can, eat at your desk, then that will save you from going to the room where all of the goodies are. Bring goodies you can eat and make enough to share.

Tip #3: When family traditions revolve around food. “It’s just not Christmas unless we eat…” Remember there is always next year, and that Christmas is not about the food it’s about family and giving.

Tip #4:  It is possible that the food you are regretting not eating today is the food that got you where you are now. Focus on a specific goal, “I want to be at 140 pounds by December 31st, and I need to lose 2 pounds a week to do that, I can only reach that if I give my diet 100%." Sometimes, the more specific the goal, the more likely you are to stick with it.

Tip #5: Prepare your meals ahead of time! If you know you're going to a party or family celebration, be sure to pack your own food so you won't be tempted to "make an exception" while trying to stick to your protocol.

Tip #6:  Surround yourself with supportive people! Let those close to you know that you are trying to take care of your health. Most of the time, the more people that know what you are trying to do, the more they can support and accommodate you.

Need some Ideal Protein Holiday recipe alternative ideas? Click the link to download our customized recipe guide.

Monday, December 22, 2014

6 Steps to Amazing Health

Between work, family, and paying the bills, many people believe that they simply don’t have the time to take care of themselves. Despite what people think, taking the steps towards a healthier lifestyle can be a simple, easy process. These six basic steps, may be things you’ve heard before, but they are simple changes you can make to your lifestyle, that can bring big improvements and better health.

Tip #1: Let your body rest

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it twice, be sure to get a good night’s sleep! During the day, you are constantly being stimulated mentally, physically and emotionally. If your body is under this constant stress, eventually it will crash. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to recharge your batteries and make sure your mind is sharp and you have energy for the next day.

Tip #2: Drink more water

Drinking water is a very simple change you can make to your lifestyle that can bring a multitude of health benefits including more energy, a stronger immune system, glowing skin, a faster metabolism and more! If you are non-active and have a more sedentary lifestyle, try drinking at least 60 ounces of water per day. If you are actively involved in some physical activity, try drinking 80-100 ounces of water per day, as you lose a large amount of water through perspiration during exercise. Which brings us to our next tip…

Tip #3: Get active!

You don’t have to spend four hours in the gym every day to get the full benefits of exercise, just getting your body moving and staying active can literally add years to your life and greatly improve your health. If time is an issue, try fitting exercise into your daily life just by making little changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevators at work. During your lunch break, go take a 40-minute walk outside, or if there is a gym nearby and you’re feeling ambitious, do a quick 20-minute workout, and that will leave you plenty of time for a shower and lunch.

Aim to fit in a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise, 3x per week, and watch your body slowly begin to change and your energy levels increase.

 Tip #4: Just say no to stress!

The damaging effects of stress range from serious physical symptoms such as high blood pressure and heart problems, to emotional and mental problems such as depression and anxiety. At least 1x per day, take at least 15 minutes to do something non-work related, that relaxes you and makes you happy. Try reading a book, taking a walk, or doing a 15-minute yoga video. Paint, draw, play music—whatever it is that makes you happy, make it a regular part of your daily routine, and you’ll find yourself feeling more relaxed, happy and alive.

 Tip #5: Adopt a preventive, health care lifestyle

Instead of following the typical American tradition of waiting until you are sick and on your deathbed, or until your migraines, body aches and stress levels have you on the verge of hospitalization, try adopting a preventive health care lifestyle.

Adopting a preventive health care lifestyle can mean many things. It can mean eating a healthier diet, regular exercise, but a crucial aspect of preventive health care is getting regular chiropractic adjustments and massages.

Chiropractic adjustments have many incredible health benefits. Besides providing relief from numerous health issues such as back and neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraines and arthritis, chiropractic care also improves the body’s ability to heal itself, your immune system function to help prevent illness, and increases your body’s mobility and range of motion.

Massage is the perfect complement to chiropractic care for a preventive health care lifestyle. Regular massages can offer you not only much needed relaxation and an opportunity to unwind, but also helps to boost your immune system, improves symptoms of depression through the release of endorphins, and relieves migraine pain and so much more.

These two together are those extra bonus health points that will help you take your health and wellness to the next level.

 Tip #6: Every now and then, just get away

While it’s great to do things that make us happy as a part of our daily routine, it is important to also switch up your environment. Even though you may have a day off from work, just being in your regular home environment can cause you stress and anxiety because you’ll just be thinking of all the things you should/could be doing. Every now and then, plan a quick getaway to a location of your choice. Your getaway doesn’t have to be a grand vacation costing you tons money, but it can simply be a drive on the countryside, or a quick day trip to the beach. Whatever your choice of getaway, get out, go explore and rejuvenate yourself with a new adventure.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Miracles In Chiropractic: The Lady with a Tremor

When people think of chiropractic care, typically they associate chiropractic visits with back and neck pain, but the vast benefits of regular chiropractic care are quickly becoming known, and these little chiropractic miracles are changing people lives in ways they couldn't have imagined...

The Background Story
One night at an Ideal Protein open house, Dr. DuBois noticed a woman who appeared to have tremors. The woman shared how she had been in the western medicine/pharmaceutical model of care for over 30 years for treating what they eventually diagnosed as essential tremor. She had been misdiagnosed many times, given the wrong medications and almost had her life ruined by these mistakes.

The Miracle Moment
Dr. DuBois encouraged the woman to come in for treatment, and three chiropractic adjustments later, her tremor was almost completely unnoticeable! This was a huge victory for chiropractic and a life changing miracle for this woman who had been suffering for so long.

These success stories are what we at Bothell Chiropractic & Wellness show up to work for everyday. We are passionate about sharing the gift of wellness and helping people to achieve a higher quality of life.

Stay tuned for more "Miracles in Chiropractic."

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Believe the Hype: The Incredible Benefits of Infrared Saunas

Infrared saunas, you’ve probably heard the name before, but beyond the traditional dry sauna at the gym, requiring a bucket of dangerously hot stones that heat the room to stifling temperatures, you may never have bothered to try it, or even find out what it is all about.

Well, find your phone and get ready to dial, because after reading all the amazing benefits of an infrared sauna, we’re pretty sure you’ll be calling to book your sauna sessions through the end of next year!

What makes the infrared sauna different?

The infrared sauna, also known as a Far-infrared Sauna, uses light (near infrared wavelength, or red light therapy) to create heat, instead of the traditional hot stones or steam. When you use a traditional sauna, it is affecting your environment, the air, which in turn affects you and heats your body. With infrared light, the infrared sauna actually has the ability to penetrate your skin, thus heating your body from its core, leaving the outside air at a pleasant temperature for easy breathing and relaxation.

So what does it do?

Sit back, relax and get ready to have your mind blown with all the amazing benefits that 15-30 minutes in one of these infrared sauna’s, can give you.
  1. A natural detox - Sweating is the body’s safe and natural way to heal itself and expel toxins. The infrared sauna heats the body directly, causing a rise in core temperature resulting in a deep, detoxifying sweat at the cellular level, where toxins reside. Regular use can help with quicker recovery from illnesses.

  2. A place to relax - Traditional saunas might make great social spots for awkward conversations with half-dressed people, but contrary to the company and the extremely harsh temperatures, infrared is a gentle, soothing and therapeutic heat that helps to improve quality of sleep and promotes deep relaxation.

  3. A natural way to lower blood pressure - Infrared saunas induce a deep sweat to make the heart pump fast, which in turn increases blood flow, lowering blood pressure and helping circulation. Science shows that using an infrared sauna a couple times a week can help to lower your blood pressure.

  4. The fountain of youth - It has been determined that the infrared sauna is the most effective wavelength for healing the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin. Infrared sauna sessions help to stimulate collagen production to reduce wrinkles and improve overall skin tone.

  5. Bonus cell health benefits - The infrared sauna helps to stimulate the circulatory system and allow more oxygen into the body’s cells. Improved blood circulations means more toxins flow from the cellular level to the skin’s surface to improve cell health, aid in muscle recovery and strengthen the immune system.

  6. Easiest weight loss method ever - Studies have shown that infrared sauna sessions can burn up to 600 calories while you relax. As the body works to cool itself, your heart rate increases causing the body to burn more calories.

  7. Pill-free pain relief - The infrared heat penetrates tissue, joints, and muscles to relieve minor to chronic pain conditions, speed up recovery and stop muscle spasms.

  8. Self healing powers - Science has shown that the infrared technology greatly enhances the skin’s healing process by promoting faster cell regeneration and human tissue growth which helps to repair wounds and prevent infection.
Where do I sign up?!

At Bothell Chiropractic and Wellness, we offer 30 minute sauna sessions for only $10! Call 425-485-1413 to schedule your sauna session and get ready to relax and soak in all these amazing health benefits!

(Article based primarily on web information from


Monday, June 2, 2014

The Ultimate Power Trio to Optimal Health

The trifecta of preventive health and wellness

From magic diet pills, to hypnosis therapy, there are a million options to weed through when it comes to discovering the keys to optimal health and wellness. Ideally, the overall goal of healthy living is to avoid all manner of diseases, never get sick and to maintain a healthy weight. 

Some diseases and illnesses are beyond one’s control; however, assuming that you are already taking initiative by striving for a well-balanced, healthy diet, there are three powerful health practices you can add to your wellness regimen, to ward off diseases, boost your immune system, and keep your body functioning at its most optimal level: exercise, chiropractic adjustments, and massage therapy.

I. Exercise

This may seem redundant and old news, but regular and consistent exercise (along with good nutrition) still remains a front runner for achieving optimal health.

 Just 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times per week can:

  • help to maintain healthy weight and/or speed up  weight loss
  • help to improve brain function
  • improve quality of sleep
  • help with ability to focus
  • lower your risk for many common health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity, high blood pressure, etc.
  • reserve damaging effects of stress
  • increase energy levels
  • help to relieve depression and anxiety

So go join a dance class, or hit the basketball court. Whatever your choice of activity, get moving, make it fun, and enjoy all the amazing benefits! 

II. Chiropractic Adjustments

After exercising, running around chasing kids, sitting at an office desk for hours, or working an intensive, highly physical job, your body more than likely is out of alignment and is screaming at you in the form of lower back, neck and shoulder pain. Over 80% of Americans experience back pain in their lifetime and most think that it is normal and common place, but the pain is your body’s way of trying to tell you something isn’t right.

Getting adjusted regularly can:

  • provide relief from a number of health issues including back and neck conditions, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraines and tension headaches, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and chronic injuries 
  •  relieve prenatal discomfort
  • improve immune system function
  • improve the body’s ability to heal itself
  • improve brain function
  • increase mobility and range of motion
  • improve bowel/gastric issues

Spinal health is a key component in achieving optimal health as your spinal nerves influence every other system in your body. So if your spine is properly aligned, all systems can now function at 100%!  

III. Massage Therapy 

Besides being one of the ultimate forms of relaxation and rejuvenation, massage therapy is the cherry on top to the perfect wellness trio.

Massage therapy not only feels amazing, but massage therapy can:

  • alleviate pain and improve range of motion
  • enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow—the body’s natural defense system
  • promote tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue and stretch marks
  • pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation
  • release endorphins—amino acids that work as the body’s natural painkiller
  • ease medication dependence
  • reduce spasms and cramping
  • relieve migraine pain
  • lessen depression and anxiety

Massage therapy is a powerful natural defense as well as a luxurious method of relaxation. Add this to your wellness routine and you’re on your way to feeling happy, healthy and zen. 

So what will this powerful trio do for your daily life? 

Between all the amazing and powerful health benefits of exercise, chiropractic adjustment and massage therapy, you can truly take your health to the next level and be feeling and looking great on the inside and outside. 

Adding these powerful wellness practices will help:

  • keep you off prescribed medications
  • drastically lower your visits to the medical doctor, saving you tons of money
  • reduce your missed days at work (so you can save them for vacations!)
  • add longevity to your life and improve the quality of life so you can enjoy your longevity
  • heal your body to let it function at its best! 

The benefits are endless, the rewards—priceless. So hit the gym, develop a care plan with your chiropractor and book your massage appointments for the year and get ready to experience the best version of you!
