One of the most common complaints towards chiropractic is the perception that you have to keep coming back, and keep coming back--spending your hard earned money for care you "seemingly" don't need. “My back pain went away, why do I need to come back in?” “I feel so much better. I’ll schedule the next time I feel bad.” These common comments and questions usually are voiced at the end of the initial appointment when patients are receiving their recommended care plan. So why DO you have to keep coming back after the aches and pains appear to stop? Well, let’s try to break this down.
The analogy
A large amount of people own a vehicle, agreed?
Now, there are two types of vehicle owners: those who schedule regular
maintenance and those who wait until the check engine light comes on, then wait
a week to see if the light goes off, then surprise, surprise, their car dies
one day on the side of the road. So what’s the lesson to be learned here in
regards to chiropractic?
The break down
Those that schedule regular maintenance for their vehicles may indeed have to invest a certain amount of money every so often, but they are staying ahead of any possible issues with their car. This prevents any “thousand dollar” surprises like a new transmission. For those who wait until they are standing on the side of the road calling AAA, yes, they may not have spent a dime on their car the last four months, but now they will have to pay up to $500+ for any needed car repairs. So who really win’s in the end?
The punch line
same goes for chiropractic. Once you start getting the frequent
headaches, the sharp pain in your lower back, or the incessant throbbing
ache in your shoulder, these aren’t the signs that a problem is just starting,
this is your body’s “check engine light” coming on and telling you something
isn’t right and hasn’t been for a while. So the next time someone tries to tell
you to avoid the chiropractor, remember that you are investing in YOU. This is
a holistic, non-pill popping way to get your body healthy and KEEP your body
healthy without waiting until you have pain that you can’t function with. In
the end, making chiropractic a regular part of your life can help you prevent
many serious health issues and multiple trips to the medical doctor, therefore
saving you any unwanted “thousand dollar” surprises.The break down
Those that schedule regular maintenance for their vehicles may indeed have to invest a certain amount of money every so often, but they are staying ahead of any possible issues with their car. This prevents any “thousand dollar” surprises like a new transmission. For those who wait until they are standing on the side of the road calling AAA, yes, they may not have spent a dime on their car the last four months, but now they will have to pay up to $500+ for any needed car repairs. So who really win’s in the end?
The punch line